Balach Molabakhsh: killed in Turbut

Balach Molabukhsh

Seeking Justice: Imperative of an Impartial and Prompt Investigation

Several critical questions remain unanswered in the Balach Molabakhsh case. Was he truly killed in an encounter, or was he subjected to extrajudicial violence? Were the proper protocols followed during his arrest and detention? Why was the inquiry tribunal’s head changed, and what does this signify?

Balach Molabakhsh
Source: Google Images by PakTribun

Case Insight

The recent case of the alleged extrajudicial killing of Balach Molabakhsh in Turbat has sparked outrage and demands for justice, raising concerns about the conduct of law enforcement agencies. The situation has taken a new turn with the registration of a murder case against CTD officials and the subsequent changes in the head of the fact-finding inquiry, creating a complex narrative that demands scrutiny.

Back Ground

Balach Molabakhsh went missing from his home on October 29, 2023. An FIR was registered, but his fate remained unknown until his body was found along with three others on November 23rd. CTD officials claimed that all four were killed in an encounter, but this account was disputed by the family and residents.

Family’s Stance

The family’s claims that Balach was in CTD custody before his death were further strengthened when Sessions Judge Turbat ordered the registration of a murder case against CTD officials. This order was a significant step towards holding those responsible accountable.

Protests in Turbat

The family’s grief and outrage sparked a wave of protests in Turbat. Led by Balach’s father, Maula Bakhsh, the protests demanded justice for his son and called for a transparent investigation.


Balach Molabaksh
Source: google Images by Dawn

The protests gained widespread support from civil society, demonstrating the deep public concern surrounding the incident.

 Outcomes of the Protest

In response to the protests, the Balochistan government constituted a fact-finding inquiry tribunal headed by Secretary Fisheries Imran Gachki. However, the tribunal’s credibility was soon questioned when it was announced that the head of the inquiry had been changed to Municipal Secretary Noor Ahmed Perkani. This move further fueled suspicion and distrust among the public.

 Drastic Impacts  Balach Molabakhsh Incident

The lack of transparency in the investigation process has only deepened the sense of injustice and frustration among the public. A thorough and impartial investigation is crucial to address these questions and bring closure to Balach’s family. The Balach Molabakhsh case is not an isolated incident. It highlights the broader issue of human rights violations and impunity in Balochistan.

Long-standing Grievances of the Province

The province has long been plagued by disappearances, extrajudicial killings, and arbitrary detentions. These practices have created a climate of fear and distrust, eroding public confidence in law enforcement agencies.

Responsibilities of Law Enforcement Authorities

The newly appointed fact-finding inquiry tribunal must conduct a comprehensive and impartial investigation into the death of Balach Molabakhsh. The government should establish an independent commission to investigate allegations of human rights violations in Balochistan. Law enforcement agencies must be held accountable for their actions and be subject to civilian oversight.

Need for Collaboration of Government and Civil Society

The government should work with civil society and community leaders to build trust and address the grievances of the Baloch people. The international community should continue to monitor the situation in Balochistan and press the government to uphold human rights. Only through collective action and sustained pressure can we ensure that justice is served in the case of Balach Molabakhsh and that such tragedies never happen again.

Balach Molabuksh
Souce:Google Images by PakTribun


the unresolved questions surrounding Balach Molabakhsh’s case underscore the critical need for a transparent and impartial investigation. The changes in the inquiry tribunal’s leadership raised concerns about the process’s credibility, emphasizing the urgency for the government to demonstrate accountability within law enforcement. Collaborative efforts between the government and civil society are imperative to rebuild trust and address longstanding grievances. The international community’s continued monitoring and advocacy play a pivotal role in pressing for human rights adherence in Balochistan. Only through a collective commitment to justice, accountability, and collaboration can we hope to prevent such tragedies and promote a future where human rights are upheld and protected.


1. Q: What led to the disappearance of Balach Molabakhsh, and how was he found dead?

A: Balach Molabakhsh went missing on October 29, 2023, and his body, along with three others, was discovered on November 23rd. The circumstances of his disappearance and the events leading to his death are under investigation, with conflicting accounts between law enforcement and the family.

2. Q: Why were there changes in the leadership of the fact-finding inquiry tribunal?

A: The reasons for the changes in the inquiry tribunal’s leadership are not explicitly stated. However, it has raised concerns about the credibility of the investigation, prompting further scrutiny into the transparency of the process.

3. Q: What steps is the government taking to hold law enforcement agencies accountable for Balach Molabakhsh’s death?

A: The government is expected to demonstrate commitment to accountability through a comprehensive investigation and potential legal actions against implicated law enforcement officials. Civilian oversight and adherence to human rights standards are essential components of this process.

4. Q: How is the government collaborating with civil society to address broader grievances in Balochistan?

A: The government’s collaboration with civil society involves open communication, addressing concerns, and fostering trust. Specific measures may include dialogue sessions, forums for community input, and joint initiatives to address longstanding grievances.

5. Q: What role is the international community playing in monitoring the human rights situation in Balochistan?

A: The international community is actively monitoring the situation in Balochistan, advocating for human rights adherence, and pressuring the government to ensure a fair and transparent investigation. Continued global scrutiny catalyzes the upholding of international human rights standards in the region.

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