Balochistan’s census reservations & legislative journey . .

               As the 5th year of the Balochistan legislative Assembly’s constitutional period completes, the province finds itself at a crossroads, with significant concerns surrounding the recent digital census taking center stage. The province’s strong reservations regarding the accuracy and fairness of the current census have ignited a debate that warrants careful consideration.

               One of the significant issues raised during the farewell meeting of the assembly was the demand to conduct the census once again within the province. The concerns articulated in this regard reveal an underlying unease about the province’s representation and its rightful share in national resources and political power. The assembly’s resolution expressing apprehensions about the census reflects the sentiment that Balochistan’s population might be underrepresented, potentially leading to an unequal distribution of resources and political influence.

               The journey of the 11th elected Balochistan Assembly, which commenced on August 13, 2018, has been one of pledge, resilience, and continuous efforts to uplift the province. As the assembly adjourns indefinitely, the concerns regarding the census linger, waiting for resolution. It is imperative that these concerns are addressed, not only to quell the current apprehensions but also to lay the foundation for a more equitable and representative future for Balochistan within the greater framework of the nation.

               Throughout its five-year tenure, the Balochistan Assembly has been actively engaged in legislative activities. The impressive statistics speak for themselves: 474 days of functioning, 96 Acts passed, 196 resolutions approved, 521 questions addressed, 87 attention notices, and 36 adjournment motions taken up. These numbers are indicative of the assembly’s dedication to addressing the concerns and needs of its constituents, despite the challenges faced by the province.

               The assembly’s journey also witnessed leadership changes, with Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo taking over as the 15th speaker after the 2018 elections, and later stepping into the role of the 18th Leader of the House, succeeding Jam Kamal. Opposition leader Malik Sikandar of JUI, an advocate during this constitutional period, played a significant role in shaping the legislative landscape.

               As the province reflects on the accomplishments and challenges of the past five years, the demand for a fair and accurate census takes center stage. The expression of reservations about the population count within Balochistan raises important questions about equitable representation and resource allocation. The assembly’s voice in advocating for a more accurate census is an embodiment of its commitment to ensuring the province’s rightful place within the nation.

               In a region where demographic data can carry political weight, ensuring an accurate representation of Balochistan’s population is not just a matter of numbers but also a step toward rectifying historical disparities. The resolution that calls for the re-evaluation of the census data in Balochistan underscores the importance of inclusivity and equitable representation in the democratic process.

               This pivotal moment in Balochistan’s history demands a concerted effort to ensure that the concerns raised regarding the census are thoroughly addressed. The province’s apprehensions about underrepresentation have far-reaching implications, not only for its political standing but also for its socio-economic development. Transparent dialogue between the provincial and federal authorities is essential to build mutual trust and arrive at a consensus on the way forward.

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