Balochistan Education Minister Meeting With Vice Chancellors of 10 universities

Education Minister Meeting With Vice Chancellors

Vice-chancellors of all universities of Balochistan should plan to keep in mind the coming 25 years. There is a need to develop a strategy today keeping in mind the future needs for improvement in the education sector.

A meeting of the vice-chancellors of all 10 universities of the province was held in Quetta under the chairmanship of Balochistan Education Minister Raheela Hameed Durrani. You may like to read about Balochistan’s Education dilemma, CLICK HERE.

Education Minister MeetingIn the meeting, the problems faced in modernizing the education sector, including the traditional education system in the era of artificial intelligence, financial problems of universities, dysfunctional schools, increasing the capacity of teachers, and modern reforms in the education system were reviewed.

The Education Minister said that it is a shame that professors and lecturers are protesting for salaries. Scholars are the capital of the country and nation. It is also a matter of concern that educated youth and scholars are leaving the country. The matter of funding universities is also important. All universities should send details of funding within a week.

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