In contrast to principles . .

               In the realm of international politics, consistency and impartiality should be the guiding principles for every leader and government. Unfortunately, the recent actions of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Canadian government have raised serious questions about their commitment to these principles. The contrast in their response to two tragic incidents involving the deaths of individuals from different communities, namely the Baloch and Sikh communities, is a glaring example of their twofaced policy. Marginalized community who have been struggling for their rights in Balochistan; a region plagued by conflict and unrest for decades. The leading voice in this movement, Karima Baloch, was tragically gunned down. Her death should have been a cause for concern and prompt action by the Canadian government. However, it seemed to have fallen on deaf ears, raising doubts about Canada’s commitment to justice and human rights.

               In stark contrast, the Canadian government swiftly severed diplomatic relations with India following the killing of a Sikh individual. This disproportionate response has left many puzzled and deeply concerned about the principles guiding Canadian foreign policy. While no life should be considered less valuable than another, the government’s actions appear to prioritize certain communities over others based on their numbers within Canadian borders.

               It is undeniable that Canada is home to a significant Sikh population, numbering in the millions. This community has played a vital role in Canadian society, contributing to the nation’s multicultural fabric. However, the mere size of a community should not dictate the government’s response to international incidents. Justice and equality should remain the pillars upon which Canada’s foreign policy is built.

               The principles of justice and impartiality demand that all lives, regardless of their background or the size of their community, be treated with equal concern and attention. Prime Minister Trudeau’s government must reevaluate its diplomatic decisions and ensure that the rights and lives of all individuals, including the marginalized people, giving the same importance as those of any other community.  Canada should use its diplomatic influence to encourage dialogue, peaceful resolution, and respect for human rights in regions of conflict around the world, including Balochistan. As a nation that has traditionally championed human rights and international cooperation, Canada has a responsibility to uphold these values consistently, without favoritism.

               The selective diplomacy displayed by Prime Minister Trudeau’s government is not in line with the principles of justice, equality, and impartiality that Canada has long been known for. The tragic loss of Karima Baloch should have received the same attention and concern as any other human rights violation. It is high time for Canada to reevaluate its foreign policy decisions and uphold its commitment to justice for all, regardless of their background or community affiliation. Baloch lives matter just as much as any other and it is the duty of the Canadian government to recognize and act upon this fundamental truth. Canada’s actions on the global stage should reflect its core values of justice and equality, rather than being swayed by political considerations.

               Canada’s reputation as a defender of human rights and a promoter of international cooperation is at stake. Inconsistent responses to global crises not only erode trust in its foreign policy but also undermine its ability to effectively advocate for justice and peace on the world stage. Canada must recommit itself to the principles of justice, equality, and impartiality in its foreign policy decisions. It is high time for Canada to uphold its legacy as a beacon of human rights and fairness, ensuring that the rights and lives of all individuals, regardless of their background or community affiliation, are safeguarded and valued equally. Lives of other marginalized communities also matters just as much as any other and it is incumbent upon the Canadian government to stand firmly in support of these principles.

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