March 23: Quaid-e-Azam and The Role of Baloch Leaders

March 23

March 23 Celebrating Pakistan Day

Pakistan Day is being celebrated with great enthusiasm across the country. The nation is celebrating Pakistan Day today with the renewal of the pledge that hard work will be done for the development and stability of the country.

Today marks the adoption of the historic Lahore Resolution in 1940, which provided a framework for achieving the goal of a separate homeland for the Muslims of South Asia. After the Fajr prayer in the mosques, special prayers and recitation of the Qur’an were offered for the country’s development, prosperity and unity, as well as for raising the ranks of the martyrs.

The national flag was hoisted on important government buildings. A grand military parade was held in Islamabad on the importance of the day. Troops of all three armed forces and other security forces marched past. Fighter jets of Pakistan Air Force presented aerial demonstrations in the event.

Mazar-e-Iqbal Lahore

On the occasion of Pakistan Day, a grand ceremony of changing of the guards was held at the mausoleum of Pakistan thinker Allama Iqbal in Lahore. Air Vice Marshal Tariq Mehmood Ghazi attended the guard change ceremony at Mazar Iqbal as a special guest.

Pakistan Air Force’s Chak Wachoband force took charge of Mazar-e-Iqbal. A contingent of the Pakistan Air Force took over security duties at Mazar-i-Iqbal in place of the Sutlej Rangers. Special guest Air Vice Marshal Tariq Mehmood Ghazi on behalf of the Chief of the Pakistan Air Force laid a wreath at Mazar-e-Iqbal and recited Fatiha.

Atta Tarar Federal Minister from Islamabad

Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Atta Tarar has a message to say on the occasion of Pakistan Resolution Day Today we are celebrating Pakistan Resolution Day. This is a day that turned the dream of a free country into reality for us.

On this day in 1940, the All India Muslim League held its annual meeting in Lahore, in which the Pakistan Resolution was passed. In this resolution, the establishment of a separate homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent was demanded.

The Federal Minister of Information said that the Pakistan Resolution is a historical document which gave a new direction to Pakistan’s independence movement. This resolution created a new hope among the Muslims and encouraged them to struggle for their cause.

Quaid-e-AzamAtta Tarar said that under the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Muslims made immense sacrifices for the cause of the Pakistan Resolution. Finally, on 14 August 1947, Pakistan came into existence as an independent country. Today we pay tribute to this great struggle by celebrating Pakistan Resolution Day.

We remember the sacrifices of our leaders and pledge to follow in their footsteps. We should never forget that Pakistan is a blessing that we have earned with great difficulty. We should appreciate this blessing and play our part to make it strong and developed.

We should forget our differences and work as a united nation. We should devote all our energies to work for our country and make it an ideal country. Let us all together make Pakistan a strong, developed and prosperous country.

March 23, Special Message of Chief Minister Balochistan  Sarfraz Bugti

Pakistan’s existence is based on the two-nation ideology. March 23 is a day of pride for the entire nation. Today is also the day of renewal of the pledge that we should not hesitate to make any sacrifice for the safety, stability and development of our beloved country.

Balochistan Chief Minister Sarfaraz Bugti said in his special message on the occasion of Pakistan Day that we have to fulfill our responsibilities as a conscious united and responsible nation to deal with the challenger. We will use all our capabilities as a united nation to achieve the national goal.

People of Balochisyan and their love for pakistan

The Chief Minister said that the people of Balochistan are patriotic and they will not become a tool of any foreign propaganda against Pakistan and Pakistan Army. The country needs consensus and unity at this time. The people should maintain full unity in their ranks.

The country cannot afford chaos due to any foreign agenda and anti-Pakistan activities of anti-national elements. Mir Sarfraz Bugti said that may God protect Pakistan from the evil eye of enemies and keep this country stable till the Day of Resurrection.

Remembering March 23: A Historic Milestone

March 23 marks a significant moment in history, where the resolve of millions of Muslims in South Asia was unified towards a common goal—the establishment of an independent and Islamic welfare state. This pivotal day in 1940 saw the passage of a resolution advocating for a separate state, highlighting the political awakening among the Muslim populace of the region.

Leadership and Vision: Quaid-e-Azam and the Muslim League

At the heart of this movement were the visionary leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the stalwart support from leaders of the Muslim League. Their ability to galvanize the masses and articulate the necessity of a separate state ignited a profound political consciousness among South Asian Muslims.

Baloch Leaders: Champions of the Cause

Among these leaders were the political elites of Balochistan, who lent unwavering support to the historic Lahore Convention of the Muslim League. Embracing the two-fold national ideals, they wholeheartedly endorsed the struggle for the establishment of a separate state, recognizing its significance in securing the future of Muslims in the region.

Renewing the Pledge: Upholding Ideals

March 23rd serves as a poignant reminder—a renewal of the pledge to honor the legacy of our forebears, to safeguard the ideological frontiers of the Kingdom of God, and to proudly raise the green crescent flag amidst the community of nations.


It is a day that transcends mere historical significance; it is a call to action, urging us to uphold the ideals and aspirations that define our collective identity. As we commemorate this day, let us rekindle the spirit of unity and determination that fueled the Pakistan Movement, ensuring that the principles for which our predecessors stood remain eternally enshrined in our national conscience.

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