Reko diq – between dilemma and destiny

Reko diq

Reko Diq: Balochistan’s Precious Assets and Pakistan’s Economic Future

In the heart of Balochistan, Pakistan’s largest province lies a treasure trove of mineral wealth known as Reko Diq. This region is home to vast reserves of gold and copper, valued at an estimated $500 billion. The stakes are incredibly high, and the destiny of both Balochistan and Pakistan hangs in the balance as negotiations, political maneuvering, and uncertainty swirl around this precious asset.

Ownership of Reko Diq: A Complex Matter

Reko Diq has been a subject of contention for many years, with the ownership of its resources becoming a central issue. Currently, Canadian company Barrick Gold owns 50% of the shares, with the remaining 50% owned by the Pakistani government and Balochistan. However, the reality is that these shares are largely under central government control, leaving Balochistan’s voice subdued. This raises concerns about the equitable distribution of the benefits derived from the exploitation of Reko Diq’s resources.

Selling Balochistan’s Prized Assets

The immediate concern is the potential sale of Reko Diq’s assets to foreign investors. Balochistan’s most prized assets could be sold off for a sum that pales in comparison to their true worth. While a $25 billion windfall from a potential deal with Saudi Arabia is on the horizon for Pakistan, it raises questions about the long-term economic well-being of the nation.

Economic Reforms: A Necessity

Selling off assets can be a tempting solution to address fiscal challenges in the short term. However, it merely masks the deeper issues plaguing Pakistan’s economy. To tackle the chronic economic crisis, the nation needs comprehensive reforms. One pressing area of reform is nonwar defense expenditures, which must be curtailed to free up resources for other essential sectors. Additionally, Pakistan should focus on expanding its exports to increase revenue streams significantly. Achieving this in the country’s current state is undoubtedly a Herculean task, but it is a necessary one for long-term economic stability.

Bundel Island and Investment Possibilities

Adding to the unease is the potential sale of Bundel Island after Reko Diq. Negotiations with influential figures such as Zardari are reportedly underway, creating further uncertainty. The investment possibilities associated with Bundel Island are substantial, with figures like Malik Riaz estimating a potential investment of $100 billion. However, the key question is whether this investment will be effectively utilized for the benefit of the nation as a whole.

Reko Diq’s Impact on Pakistan’s Political Landscape

The fate of Reko Diq is also closely tied to Pakistan’s upcoming elections. If the current rulers manage to secure the $25 billion from the Saudi deal, it could pave the way for the next election. The effort required to ensure a supportive government at the center is immense, as any opposition to the Reko Diq deal from within the provinces could be detrimental. With a caretaker government currently in place, compliance seems assured. However, should PTI or PPP secure victory, the Reko Diq deal’s future becomes uncertain. The PML-N, with its eye on the substantial economic boon the deal represents, may attempt to change the political landscape in its favor.

The Shifting Power Balance

As the nation watches secret negotiations and political maneuvering, it becomes clear that the power balance in Pakistan is shifting. The PML-N’s alignment with the $25 billion Saudi deal could prove to be a game-changer. Furthermore, if the PML-N assumes power, the secret talks with Imran Khan and Asif Ali Zardari raise many questions about the formation of an alternative system where a party would form the government in name only, relinquishing control and interference. However, such a transition may face resistance from the current Chief Justice, Qazi Faez Isa, who could raise concerns about its constitutionality.

The Uncertain Future

The Reko Diq deal casts a long shadow over Pakistan’s political landscape. Balochistan’s valuable assets, the upcoming elections, and the nation’s economic future all hang in the balance. The intricacies of this situation are as complex as they are uncertain, and only time will reveal the ultimate direction Pakistan will take. If a deal with Saudi Arabia fails to materialize, a January election may be unavoidable, with all parties concerned about the potential outcomes. Meanwhile, the health and legal situation of Nawaz Sharif looms as additional factors in the turbulent political landscape. Balochistan’s assets, Pakistan’s economy, and its political future all await the outcome of these intricate negotiations.


Reko Diq represents a pivotal point in Pakistan’s history, with its potential impact reverberating across the nation. The equitable distribution of wealth, comprehensive economic reforms, and the political landscape are all closely intertwined with the destiny of Reko Diq. The choices made in the coming weeks and months will shape the future of Balochistan and the economic well-being of Pakistan as a whole, making it imperative for all stakeholders to tread cautiously and wisely.


1. What is Reko Diq, and why is it significant for Pakistan?

Reko Diq is a region in Balochistan, Pakistan, known for its vast mineral reserves, particularly gold and copper, valued at approximately $500 billion. It is significant for Pakistan due to the potential economic benefits it offers and its role in shaping the nation’s economic future.

2. Who owns the resources in Reko Diq, and what is the current ownership structure?

Canadian company Barrick Gold owns 50% of the shares, with the remaining 50% shared between the Pakistani government and Balochistan. However, it’s important to note that effective control over these shares largely rests with the central government.

3. What are the concerns regarding the potential sale of Reko Diq’s assets?

The concerns revolve around the sale of Balochistan’s valuable assets for a sum that may not reflect their true worth. There are worries about whether the benefits from the sale will be distributed equitably and whether this short-term economic boost is a sustainable solution for Pakistan’s economic challenges.

4. What kind of economic reforms are needed in Pakistan to address its chronic economic crisis?

Comprehensive economic reforms are essential, including reducing nonwar defense expenditures and significantly increasing exports. These reforms are necessary to ensure long-term economic stability and reduce the nation’s reliance on asset sales.

5. How might the Reko Diq situation impact Pakistan’s upcoming elections and political landscape?

The fate of Reko Diq is closely tied to Pakistan’s upcoming elections. If the current rulers secure the $25 billion from the Saudi deal, it could influence the timing and outcome of the next election. The potential alignment of political parties with the Reko Diq deal and the uncertain future of negotiations could reshape the nation’s political landscape.

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