Swearing-In at The Balochistan Assembly: A Prelude to Legislative Dynamics

Swearing-In at the Balochistan Assembly


The Swearing-In at The Balochistan Assembly of newly elected marks a crucial milestone in the region’s political journey. As 57 out of 65 members take the oath of membership, the stage is set for deliberations and decisions that will shape the province’s governance. This article provides insights into the oath-taking ceremony and the imminent selection of key leadership positions.

Swearing -in at Balochistan Assembly

Swearing-In at Balochistan Assembly/Oath-Taking Ceremony:

Despite a delayed start, the oath-taking ceremony proceeded smoothly under the administration of Zamrik Khan Achakzai, the Chairman Panel and former Senior Minister. Members solemnly swore their commitment under Articles 65 and 127, adhering to Rule 5 of the Balochistan Provincial Assembly.

The Governor’s invocation of Article 109 A underscores the constitutional framework guiding the assembly’s proceedings.

Challenges Amidst Ceremony:

Challenges such as inclement weather, security concerns, and anticipated protests led to the non-issuance of visitor cards. Nevertheless, the assembly convened, demonstrating resilience in the face of logistical hurdles.

Leadership Dynamics:

With the swearing-in concluded, attention turns to the selection of key leadership roles. Senior figures like Nawab Raisani and Nawab Zehri, stalwarts with seven terms of legislative experience, signal continuity and seasoned leadership.

Mir Sadiq Imrani and Raheela Hameed Durrani, veterans entering their fourth term, symbolize the bridge between past and future legislative agendas.

Demographic Representation:

The assembly reflects a spectrum of ages and experiences, with Nawab Aslam, the senior parliamentarian at 68, juxtaposed against Umm Kulsoom, the youngest member at 24. This diversity promises varied perspectives in legislative discourse, enriching policy formulation and implementation.

Resignations and Re-Polling:

Notable announcements include Sardar Akhtar Jan Mengal and Jam Kamal’s decision to vacate provincial assembly seats, signaling shifts in political dynamics. Additionally, re-polling remains pending at eleven stations, underscoring ongoing electoral processes and their impact on representation.

Representatives Talk with Media

“PPP Elected MPA’s Media Talk”

People’s Party member Ali Madad Jatak, who reached the Balochistan Assembly after 2008, says that the name of the Leader of the House has been finalized. The name will be revealed by evening. When the elected member of the Balochistan Assembly came to take the oath, while talking to the media, he said that he would do record development work with hard work in 5 years.

The hopes of the people are from the People’s Party. We will fulfill the promises made by Bilawal Bhutto. On a question, Ali Madad Jatak said that he has reached the House by the power of the vote. Efforts will be made to end the feeling of deprivation in the province.

“Ghazala Goula Media Talk”

Abdul Samad Gorgej, who reached the Awami House for the first time on the People’s Party ticket, said that the people were disappointed with the nationalists. Nationalist parties have always been in the House but they have never done any work. We are the followers of Shaheed Bhutto. The improvement of the people and the development of the province including the Sendak and Rekodiq projects will be a priority in the honorable House.

“PML-N’s Elected Members Media Talk”

PMNN’s newly elected member Abdul Khaliq Achakzai, speaking to the media on reaching the assembly swearing-in session, said that whoever loses the election, must make allegations of rigging. But the winner declares the election transparent. Abdul Khaliq Achakzai said that the mission of developing the province and the power of people’s vote has reached the House.

He will pay full attention to education, water, health, and other public issues. In response to a question, a question was raised, which election in the history of the country has not been objected to? The loser has to be accused of cheating.
Another member of the Muslim League, Zarak Mandukhel, said that he had come to the People’s Representative House for the first time. Not only of my constituency, I will be the voice of the entire province on the platform of the House.

“Maulana Hidayat MPA Haqq Do Tahrik”

Newly elected member of Haq Du Tehreek, Balochistan Assembly Maulana Hidayatur Rehman Baloch says that the Assembly House is one movement, one struggle and I have reached by the vote of my people. I am the son of a poor fisherman and came to the House after breaking the jail.

Moulana Hidaiat

Speaking to the media on his arrival to participate in the swearing-in session, he said that reaching the popularly elected House is a heavy responsibility. I feel the burden of this responsibility. On a question, Maulana Hidayatur Rehman said that I will be the voice of the people of Balochistan in the honorable House.

“Sardar Kethran”

Sardar Abdul Rehman Kethran, who is always active in the parliamentary politics of Balochistan and was elected on the ticket of the Muslim League, says that the number of seats of both PMLN and People’s Party is more in the provincial assembly.

Sardar Khetran

I think the provincial government formula will be better for two and a half years. I support the two-and-a-half-year formula. On a question, he said that he has dreamed that Maulana Saab will also be in the government with us.



As the Balochistan Provincial Assembly embarks on its legislative journey, the oath-taking ceremony sets the stage for robust deliberations and policy enactments.

Amidst challenges and transitions, the assembly stands poised to address the diverse needs and aspirations of the province’s populace, fostering inclusive governance and democratic principles.


Q1.  What is the significance of the Swearing-In at the Balochistan Assembly?

The Swearing-In at the Balochistan Assembly marks the official induction of elected members into the Balochistan Provincial Assembly. It symbolizes their commitment to upholding the constitution and serving the interests of the province’s constituents.

Q2.  How are key leadership positions selected in the Balochistan Assembly?

Key leadership positions, such as Speaker, Deputy Speaker, and Leader of the House, are typically elected by members of the Provincial Assembly through a democratic voting process. Nomination papers are submitted, and elections are conducted to appoint individuals to these crucial roles.

Q3.  What constitutional articles govern the proceedings of the Balochistan Assembly?

The proceedings of the Balochistan Provincial Assembly are guided by various constitutional articles, including Articles 65 and 127, which pertain to the oath-taking process, and Article 109 A, which empowers the Governor to convene assembly sessions.

Q4.  What challenges were faced during the oath-taking ceremony of the Balochistan Provincial Assembly?

Challenges such as inclement weather, security concerns, and anticipated protests led to logistical hurdles, including the non-issuance of visitor cards. Despite these challenges, the ceremony proceeded as scheduled, underscoring the resilience of the assembly members.

Q5.  Who are some prominent figures in the newly elected Balochistan Provincial Assembly, and what roles do they play?

Prominent figures in the newly elected Balochistan Provincial Assembly include

  1. Nawab Raisani,
  2. Nawab Zehri,
  3. Mir Sadiq Imrani,
  4. and Raheela Hameed Durrani, among others.

They bring extensive legislative experience and are expected to play key roles in shaping legislative agendas and policies for the province.

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