Tragedy of Balochistan: Cry for Justice on Pakistan’s Canvas

crisis of Balochistan

A Silent Wound:  Tragedy of Balochistan is  Beyond Numbers

It is about stolen lives, shattered families, and a collective cry for justice. It is a testament to the human spirit’s indomitable resilience, the refusal to be silenced even in the face of the most barbaric atrocities. Balochistan’s tragedy is not just about numbers.

The road to resolution may be long and arduous, but the glimmer of hope within the Baloch people, the unwavering voices of dissent, and the echo of judicial pronouncements, however faint, offer a glimmer of solace, a promise that even in the deepest darkness, the flame of humanity will continue to flicker, a beacon leading towards a future where enforced disappearances remain a chilling relic of the past.

The Defiant Tapestry

The question is why Balochistan bleeds with a silent wound, instead of shying away, stands accused of weaving enforced disappearances into the fabric of its governance. This horrifying truth isn’t hidden: commissions acknowledge it, reports document it and even intelligence leaks whisper it.

Yet, with brazen audacity, the state continues its macabre waltz with disappearances, each family’s shattered life a morbid trophy in its perverse collection. But amidst the deafening silence, voices rise. Mama Qadeer, Dr. Mahrang Baloch, and Sammi Baloch these warrior women, along with countless others, lead the charge against this unconscionable injustice.

Their courage ignites a flicker of hope within the Baloch soul, a defiant refusal to submit to the tyranny of erasure.

Whispers in the Wind

On the legal front, a chorus of judicial voices echoes the gravity of this travesty. From Chief Justices Chaudhry and Khawaja to Justices Minallah and Kayani, the legal system, though often overshadowed by the sword, has spoken.

But pronouncements without justice are mere whispers in the wind, offering fleeting solace but no concrete redress. Yet, hope, however fragile, lingers. Unlike past insurgencies, the present movement draws strength from the urban fabric, weaving together youth, the middle class, and most importantly, Baloch women.

A Nationalism-Rooted Deep

This is a nationalism rooted in the very marrow of Baloch society and one that cannot be simply stifled by enforced disappearances.

Though, a chilling prospect looms. The ascent of a caretaker prime minister who dismisses democracy as irrelevant to the Baloch question paints a grim picture. When the Ballot Box is deemed ineffective, the barrel of the gun becomes the preferred tool of governance, further entrenching the cycle of suppression and alienation.

The Commission, supposedly a beacon of hope, stands as a stark reminder of the state’s duplicity. With over 9,000 cases, 2,708 from Balochistan alone, and not a single perpetrator brought to justice, it reveals itself as a mere charade, a tool to legitimize the very injustice it was meant to address.

Beyond Disappearances

This tragedy transcends the physical act of disappearance. It speaks to the state’s delusional belief in subjugating ethno-nationalism through brute force. It is a cruel game of chess where lives become pawns, sacrificed on the altar of a flawed ideology.

Beyond Disappearances

In the face of this relentless state machinery, what remains? Perhaps Faiz Ahmed Faiz’s poignant verses offer a glimpse. We may yearn for reconciliation, for civility to bridge the chasm, but the wounds inflicted run deep, the scars refusing to fade. Echoes of Tumult, Melodies of Hope

2023 may have been a year etched in turmoil, but within its wreckage lays the spark of possibility. The year to come presents an opportunity, a blank canvas on which Pakistan can paint a masterpiece of its own making. Let us rise to the challenge, hand in hand, and turn the shadows of the past into a stepping stone towards a brighter tomorrow.


As the embers of 2023 fade, the year’s silhouette remains stark against the backdrop of Pakistan’s history. Long after the political maelstrom subsides and the wounds of division begin to heal, 2023 will stand as a testament to a nation’s resilience in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.

It was a year defined by two starkly contrasting halves, each mirroring a facet of the country’s complex reality. The first half was a symphony of discord, the air thick with the acrid aroma of political polarization.

           An oppositional behemoth, united by the singular purpose of unseating Imran Khan, painted the landscape crimson with their righteous outrage. The economy spiraled further down the abyss, inflation gnawing at the vitals of a populace bled dry.

Promises of salvation whispered from both sides of the divide, proved fleeting, dissolving under the harsh glare of reality. Messianic figures lost their luster, their pronouncements mere echoes in the face of a nation in free fall.

Then, with a collective sigh of relief, the nation entered the second half – a period of uneasy calm under the watchful gaze of a caretaker administration. Hope flickered on the economic horizon, whispers of recovery swirling around international pronouncements and confident cabinet briefings.

But for the average Pakistani, the battlefield remained the same – supermarkets brimming with unaffordable essentials, the specter of joblessness looming large. Ultimately, it was the intervention of the Army Chief, the reassuring pat on the head to a shaken business community that nudged the nascent recovery forward.

Beneath the Surface

On the other hand, beneath the surface, storm clouds brewed. Prime Minister Kakar, a whirlwind of dynamism, seemed more enamored by pyrotechnics than by the unglamorous but essential task of housekeeping. The electoral playing field remained uneven, whispers of constitutional violations clinging to the caretaker governments like an unwelcome odor.

A Collective Yearning for Normalcy

In Punjab and Sindh, the very machinery of governance seemed to operate at odds with the letter of the law. Hitherto, through the gloom, a sliver of light pierces. As 2023 surrenders to 2024, a yearning for normalcy resonates throughout the nation.

The hope is that the dark clouds of fear and uncertainty will finally dissipate, giving way to a clear sky – a sky under which a new chapter unfolds, one etched in stability and progress. This new chapter, however, won’t be born solely from hope. It demands action, a collective effort to exorcise the demons of the past.

Exorcising the Demons

The political class must rise above petty squabbles and embrace the mantle of responsible leadership. Economic woes need to be tackled head-on, not through hollow promises but through sound policies and prudent implementation. The institutions of state must uphold the constitution, and their actions transparent and accountable to the people they serve.

Most of all, the Pakistani people need to find their voice again. To augment the above-manufactured narratives and engage in critical thinking, to hold their leaders accountable, and demand a future worthy of their aspirations.

For it is only through concerted action, through an unwavering commitment to a shared vision, that Pakistan can finally escape the cyclical storms of uncertainty and emerge into a brighter future.

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